March 20, 2011

Vintage Floral - Child Portraiture by Litzow Photography

I have wanted to purchase beautiful antique chairs for a couple of years now but just haven't found the right ones.  I wanted to get away from the whole 'red velvet' tradition of other studios and wanted my chairs to have that beautiful faded out floral look for a vintage feel.  Well in December I found some for sale and snapped them up!  This last week was the perfect time to head out with one of my favourite families to take some VERY cute pics. 

Kate (mum) owns the beautiful local online facebook business Rachipops.  All clothing and accessories have been hand made by Kate so if you like what you see then search them out on facebook and go have a look.
I love these!

Kingaroy Babies - Baby Ryder

Kingaroy Babies - Baby Charlotte